Page Landings: What do they entail and why do you require them?
If you’re just starting out in online marketing, landing pages might be new to you. And why would you require them at all? However, landing pages are an essential component of any strategy for online marketing. They are utilized by both bloggers and large businesses. Curious? Continue reading to learn more about what a landing page is and how to make the most of it.
What exactly are landing pages?
According to Unbounce, A standalone web page created specifically for the purposes of a marketing or advertising campaign is known as a landing page. To put it another way, landing pages are created with a single goal in mind. A CTA, or call to action, is another name for this.
Landing pages can be used at various points in the inbound marketing cycle; From introducing your brand to people in your target market to turning leads into paying customers. At any point in the buying process, landing pages can assist you in achieving your objective.
What, exactly, is a landing page?
It is essential to know what is not considered a landing page in order to fully comprehend the concept of a landing page. The majority of marketers do not consider the homepage and other pages of your website to be landing pages. Why? due to the stated goal of these pages.
Take, for instance, the homepage. It was never designed with just one CTA in mind. Instead, a homepage’s purpose is to introduce visitors to the brand and website. A homepage also lets users know what content they can access.
varieties of landing pages
Marketers can use landing pages to accomplish a variety of goals. There are many different kinds of landing pages because there are many different marketing goals. So, which one ought to you use? It depends on the campaign’s overall objective and the marketing strategies you intend to employ.
Let’s look at a few examples of various kinds of landing pages.
lead-generating landing pages.
The objective of these landing pages is straightforward: transform a targeted visitor into a customer lead for your company. However, how exactly do lead-generating landing pages accomplish this? by collecting personal data like an individual’s name, email address, phone number, job title, and company name, among other things.
Your business can work to turn that lead into a customer with this information. However, it can also be used to build your email subscriber lists, guide users through the inbound marketing cycle, or increase sales for a specific period of time.
pages with a click-through option.
Information about an offer, discount, or promotion can be found on click-through landing pages. Why? to persuade customers to buy right away! As you can probably imagine, these landing pages are typically quite straightforward and utilized later in the buying process.
Landing pages for explainers.
Infomercial or long-form landing pages are other names for these kinds of landing pages. They rely on a lot of content to get users to do something or move on.
Therefore, when should explainer landing pages be used? They are ideal for campaigns in which users are required to provide extensive personal information or to make a significant purchase. For instance, promoting a costly product or service or educational course.
Landing pages with product details.
Product detail landing pages, which are frequently utilized in the retail sector, provide visitors with all relevant product information. The purpose? to get interested customers to the product right away and get them to buy it right away.
It’s encouraging to know that not everyone uses landing pages of this kind. The main pages of many retailers’ websites serve as the sole focus of their marketing efforts. However, if you decide to make a product page for a campaign, it can help keep visitors from getting lost and distracted.
What to do with landing pages.
Several strategies are employed by marketers to bring visitors from other parts of the internet to landing pages. The strategies employed, such as:
advertising paid for per click.
When you use pay-per-click (PPC) advertising, you get paid each time a person clicks on your ad. On search engines like Google and Bing, PPC ads are often used. However, they can also be utilized on associated websites or social media platforms like Twitter and Facebook. Optimized landing pages are necessary if your company or brand plans to spend money on pay-per-click advertising.
Why? Because you wouldn’t send clicks to your homepage if you were running a PPC ad campaign for your most recent product. Instead, you would make a single page—a landing page—that aims to get people to immediately buy your new product.
Marketing on social media.
Online marketing strategies that emphasize organic social media traction can also make use of landing pages. The promotion of an e-book for the purpose of generating leads is a good illustration. You can direct visitors to a landing page from an organic social media post, where they can provide their information in exchange for exclusive content.
Landing pages can also be used to collect information and RSVPs for events, sign up for email newsletters, offer coupons, and host contests and giveaways.
Marketing of content.
First and foremost: Content marketing: what is it? According to the Content Marketing Institute, Content marketing is a method of strategic marketing that focuses on creating and distributing valuable, up-to-date, and consistent content to attract and retain a clearly defined audience and, ultimately, drive profitable customer action. With this definition in mind, landing pages can be used to present content to a target audience, pique their interest, and eventually persuade them to become customers.
As part of a larger strategy for content marketing, your company could, for instance, develop a library of useful resources. It goes without saying that you would want your audience to make use of these resources. In a landing page form, you can ask users to enter their email address to gain access to your exclusive content. Congrats! You have made a visitor into a potential customer. As part of the buying cycle, you can continue to provide useful content now.
Email advertising
You can use email marketing to send relevant content, offers, and information to visitors once you have their email address. Additionally, landing pages are extremely useful tools for these messages. Use a landing page to send subscribers an exclusive offer!
Six guidelines for landing pages
Follow these six Unbounce and Hubspot best practices to get the most out of your landing pages.
1. Restricted page navigation
Your website’s content should not distract your visitor from the CTA.
2. Keep it brief and concise.
Again, you want your visitor to consume your information and take action (with the exception of the Explainer landing page). Avoid creating unnecessary copy, features, or designs. Simpler is better.
3. Provide value.
You need to provide value in return if you want visitors to take action. Deliver the value that your target audience wants and needs on your landing page.
4. Continue to conduct tests.
Optimizing landing pages necessitates extensive testing: Which headline is more effective, and where should the inquiry form be placed? In order to get the best results for your campaign, everything can be A/B tested.
5. Employ video.
It has been demonstrated that using video on a landing page boosts conversions by 86%!
6. Maintain the CTA above the fold.
Long-form copy pages can boost conversions by 220 percent when used correctly. However, for your campaign, this might not be the case. Keep your call to action (CTA) above the fold to ensure that it reaches your target audience. New visitors will immediately notice it this way.
Do you incorporate landing pages into your marketing plan? If so, please comment on your experiences below.
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