WordPress versus Website Builder: Which Software Should You Use to Build Your Website?
You don’t want to learn how to code but you need a website. In all honesty, you’d rather not have to pay someone else or put in weeks of labor to make it.
Your goals would have been completely out of reach in another era. However, we are in the present, and the common person (or jolene) can now create a website in a relatively short amount of time, with little difficulty, and at a reasonable cost.
You only need access to WordPress, a well-known content management system, or a reputable website builder. But which one do you think makes the most sense?
We’ll go over the main advantages and disadvantages of each option, as well as who it works best for, so you can make an informed choice. You ought to have a pretty good idea of the best way to proceed with building your website by the time the article comes to an end.
How does a website builder work?
Website builders are programs that make it easier for people to build websites without writing code. Website builders will give you a basic web design to start with, either in the form of website templates you can choose from or by automating the process of building a basic design based on the information you give them (like the Gator website builder). After that, they will provide you with an easy-to-use website editor that you can use to personalize your website.
Four Benefits of Using a Website Builder
Utilizing a website builder to create your website has four great advantages.
1. It’s simple.
This tops the list of benefits for most people who choose a website builder. You’re occupied. The majority of website builders provide an option that doesn’t require a lot of training and that you probably can use the first day you try it.
If simplicity is important to you, choose website builders that are made for beginners (many of them are), and read up on how they work to make sure it looks easy enough for you.
2. It’s quick.
A good website builder will make sure you start with the basic design already in place, which significantly shortens the time it takes to make a website. You may even be able to complete your website in a matter of hours rather than days if your requirements are relatively straightforward.
A lot of people who want to build a new website would much rather have it done right away. Because a website builder is not a time machine, it cannot exactly accomplish that. However, it can get pretty close.
3. It’s an affordable option for a website.
In so many spheres of life, opting for the quick and easy option necessitates spending significantly more money in exchange for the added convenience. It’s good to know that this is not one of them.
The majority of website builders charge between $5 and $20 per month, and sometimes that price includes essential extras like website hosting. It’s not necessary to blow your budget by selecting the simplest option here.
4. Your website will appear expert.
Okay, but is it really possible for something to be cheap, easy, and still professional enough for a business website? Yes, in this case! You can take advantage of the expertise of a professional designer without having to hire one because website builders incorporate well-known best practices into the designs they provide.
The end result will make you look good, unless you make some pretty wild changes during the customization process.
Three Drawbacks of Using a Website Builder
There are some drawbacks with website builders. They are here.
1. There are limits on customization.
Website builders make you work within some fundamental limitations, which is a tradeoff for their ease of use. Those limitations won’t be a problem for many websites. However, using a website builder may frustrate you if you have a very specific idea of how you want your website to look or function.
2. You can’t change who you picked.
Most of the time, the product you use to build your website is tied to the website builder you use. You will have to start over with the new provider if you decide to switch providers in a year or five.
3. Your website might look the same as others.
It makes sense that your website might end up looking like that of other small businesses if you use the same fundamental template or structure. If other websites that offer products or services that are similar to yours look like yours, this could make people confused and hurt your brand.
Who Should Use a Builder for Their Website?
Website builders frequently make sense for personal websites or small businesses. They are a good option for anyone who needs a website quickly and doesn’t want to break the bank.
WordPress: What Is It?
The vast majority of websites on the internet are powered by WordPress, a well-known content management system (when we say well-known, we mean popular). You can use it to create and manage websites without having to work with the source code because it is an open source tool. Using plugins gives WordPress a lot of functionality for websites, and you can edit individual posts and pages.
Four Benefits of WordPress
There are four primary reasons why WordPress is used to build websites.
1. It is free.
WordPress can be used and started for free. It is possible to use WordPress for free, but some website owners will end up spending money on extras like premium themes and plugins to get the look they want.
2. It is potent.
WordPress gives you the ability to do just about anything you want with your website with the help of plugins. There are significantly fewer restrictions than with a website builder.
3. Numerous themes and plugins are provided.
Numerous developers have worked to develop WordPress-specific themes and plugins due to its widespread popularity. You can work with a vast selection of options.
4. You’ll have a lot of support at your disposal.
Additionally, because of its popularity, many tutorials on how to use WordPress are readily available. There are entire blogs devoted solely to WordPress information, as well as tutorials, courses, and anything else you can think of—most of which are free (including a lot on this very website).
Three WordPress drawbacks
The disadvantages of using WordPress are outlined here.
1. It takes longer to learn.
Website builders are made to be simple enough for newcomers to use right away. WordPress is somewhat more involved. We don’t mean to say that it isn’t easier than learning how to code a website, but there is still a learning curve. Additionally, the amount of work required to achieve your website’s goals increases with their complexity.
2. Add-ons can be costly.
While you can use WordPress to create a website for free, many people will end up spending money on a premium theme and a number of plugins to get what they want out of their website. Or you might have to hire someone to get things working the way you want. You might end up spending more than you would have with a website builder in the end.
3. Updates might as well be a good thing.
Okay, this one has both advantages and disadvantages. WordPress releases updates on a regular basis to improve the CMS and keep it safer. However, these updates may occasionally result in plugin compatibility issues and a brand-new learning curve for users. If you’re looking for something straightforward, that could end up requiring more effort and trouble than you want.
Who is best served by WordPress?
If you’re willing to put in some extra effort in exchange for more options, WordPress is a good option. This can range from individuals and small businesses to some of the world’s largest media outlets and brands.
WordPress makes sense if you don’t want to feel constrained by a website builder’s restrictions but still want something you can figure out on your own without learning how to code.
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