Header Bidding: Client-Side versus Server-Side What Makes a Difference?
A new innovation is developed just as a publisher is beginning to become familiar with their knowledge of current ad technology. This innovation completely alters the way an advertising campaign functions and the success it achieves in monetization. Header bidding, for instance, is a relatively new concept that has already swept publishing websites. Using this strategy, partners can bid on your impressions simultaneously, increasing your overall revenue over time.
Header bidding has proven to be very effective, as evidenced by The Telegraph’s 70% increase in programmatic revenue following the implementation of this cutting-edge strategy. Header bidding can benefit publishers in different ways in two main ways: header bidding on the client side and header bidding on the server side. To assist you in deciding whether client-side header bidding or server-side header bidding will work best for your publishing site, we’ll take a deeper dive into the specifics of both advertising strategies and compare them to one another.
Concerning Header Bidding.
Header bidding was introduced in 2016 and enables publishers to simultaneously offer their ads to numerous bidders. Through multiple ad exchanges, this simultaneous networking raises the value of the ad and maximizes revenue, which ultimately results in the publisher’s own profits.
You can send ad requests to multiple of your demand partners simultaneously using this programmatic auctioning method. Even though Kevel’s HBIX Report only looked at metrics in the United States, it showed that 84% of the top 10,000 websites in the United States used header bidding at some point. According to the same report, publishers from the United States also demonstrate that using header bidding caused a meteoric rise in their Costs per Mille (CPMs).
Why is header bidding important for publishers?
There are a number of reasons why publishers have found header bidding to be a huge success over the past few years. Check out these well-known advantages if you are ready to join the bandwagon but are unsure of the advantages you can earn on your own website through header bidding:
1. Boost your bids.
It’s possible that more advertisers than you think are interested in purchasing impressions from you. Header bidding lets you compete with a wide range of bidders for your ads because it gives you access to a larger number of demand partners.
2. Enhance the Efficacy of Your Ads.
You might get a few eager bidders who are willing to offer a higher price for first dibs on your impressions, depending on the kind of audience your publishing site attracts. Your advertisements may continue to improve in value over time as the competition intensifies.
3. Increase your influence over the bidding procedure.
Publishers have a greater degree of direct control over who can bid on their impressions, which is yet another distinct advantage of header bidding. You can select sources, give different advertisers higher priority, and reward marketers who want to work with you for a long time.
How to Put Header Bidding into Action.
Advertisers who are familiar with technology use header bidding by incorporating JavaScript code into their websites. Publishers are able to access bid requests from browsers and other locations while simultaneously collecting bids and displaying the highest bid to the user. Header bidding, on the other hand, can be utilized by publishers without the need for even a basic understanding of ad technology.
Without the resources of major publishing houses, smaller publishers frequently believe that they are unable to realize their full advertising potential. The truth is that you can make your website the space you want it to be, and you can use tools right now to help you increase your advertising revenue without sacrificing the unique user experience your website provides.
Header Bidding on the Client Side.
Client-side header bidding, also known as browser-side bidding, focuses on bids collected by the user’s web browser. It makes sense that the user’s web browser would be used throughout the entire auction process because header bidding refers to the JavaScript code that is implemented in the website’s header section. Header bidding is typically implemented through Google Chrome and Firefox, two of the most widely used web browsers.
Google is typically a participant in the header bidding auction procedure. This is because Chrome users are connected to the Google client, and Google executes its code with its own ad management server.
Header Bidding on the Server Side
Server-side header bidding, in contrast to client-side header bidding, does not use a user’s web browser to send and receive requests. Instead, it will send requests to a main server, which will then send requests to various ad exchanges individually. The responses from the various bidders arrive almost immediately. Although publishers use this less frequently, it still has some advantages that may be useful for your particular requirements.
The fact that you only need to send one request through the browser with server-side header bids and that the server takes care of the rest outside of your client is the most significant advantage. That can speed up auctions and free up bandwidth, making them run faster.
versus Client-Side Header Bidding Server-Side: What’s the Best Approach for My Publishing Website?
Choosing between client-side header bidding and server-side header bidding for your ad exchanges can be challenging at times. Why then settle? With hybrid header bidding setups, you can get the best of both worlds by giving yourself more freedom to get more bids. In conjunction with interactive ad types like custom video solutions, hybrid bidding is frequently used.
In order to connect to as many demand partners as possible and reduce the amount of processing required by your computer, many publishers are opting to use a hybrid solution. Because this is a tech-heavy strategy, it’s important to find out how well your current technology can handle header auctions’ growing demands.
Try out some new ways to bid on headers today.
Client-side header bidding options versus server-side header bidding options present publishers and advertisers alike with a crucial opportunity to increase revenue from their websites. Publishers can now choose from a much more adaptable pool of bids thanks to this kind of auction, which provides advertisers with more transparency and gives them more control. It might be hard to know where to begin with the almost limitless possibilities.
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