Creative Solution to a Problem for UX Designers.
When confronted with a challenge, it’s normal to react quickly; After all, it wouldn’t be a problem if a known solution existed. However, just because you know it’s normal doesn’t make problems any less frustrating. So, how can we avoid spending hours attempting to solve a UX issue?
That is the essence of creative problem solving.
We’ll talk about creative problem solving and how it can help you as a UX designer in this post. Then, we’ll look at a few simple steps you can follow to solve UX issues. You will have all the information you need to solve UX problems by the time this article is finished.
What exactly is inventive problem-solving?
Alex Osborn, the Creative Education Foundation’s founder, coined the term “creative problem solving.” In a nutshell, this term is about finding creative ways to overcome obstacles in our work lives. However, such solutions naturally vary by industry.
Creative problem solving, in the eyes of UX designers, entails finding effective solutions to user experience issues. Because of this, UX problem solving is so important because following a particular strategy can help us avoid getting stuck.
You are probably concentrating on projects that require you to solve problems, whether you are a novice designer or an experienced one. You must be a superhero if you’ve never had a problem; The following steps must be taken by us mere mortals in order to resolve a UX issue:
5 Steps to Solving UX Problems
A great user experience solution can be influenced by two important factors: user research and innovative solution-finding After conducting user research, let’s say you’re looking for a novel approach to a problem. The following method will be helpful in this circumstance:
Though it may sound obvious, consider this. How many times have we wasted days by failing to locate the true issue? It doesn’t matter how original or novel your solution is if you’re solving the wrong problem.
Because of this, the first thing you need to do is consider the issue. Start by asking yourself what the real issue is, and then work on finding a solution. Although locating the issue will take some time, it will ultimately be to your project’s advantage.
It’s time to break down the UX issue now that you’ve found it. A user journey plan could be created in this step. It is not required to be flawless; A few low-fidelity drawings are sufficient.
Start visualizing your solution on paper and setting a timer. Keep in mind that sketching is not about perfection or particulars. It’s time to move on to the next step once you’ve created a customer journey that you like.
3. Utilize analysis.
UX design is not really about design. Data and numbers are also a part of it. Analytics play a crucial role in UX problem-solving because of this. Patterns can be created once you have some data from users and competitors. You will be able to modify your drafts in accordance with this and gain a deeper comprehension of the issue.
If you combine data and numbers with an original concept, you can greatly benefit. However, facts are not sufficient on their own, and without them, your original story will not be compelling. Therefore, what is superior to combining them?
Therefore, you have devised a novel solution to the UX issue. You have successfully integrated essential data with this concept. Sadly, your work is not finished yet.
The following step is just as important. Share your ideas with coworkers and/or customers after they have been refined.
Although receiving constructive feedback for your UX mapping is difficult, it will ultimately help you become a better designer.
The final step is also the most enjoyable. You can rethink your initial solution after taking into consideration the opinions of others. The UX issue will then be resolved in just one step. The time has come to digitally rework your concept.
This is the stage where the smallest details count. Although it is difficult to create a high-fidelity wireframe, most UX designers have the skills and equipment necessary to do so.
Problem Solving for UX: Practical Hints and Tips
This, in my opinion, is the most useful advice for solving UX issues. You don’t have to be hurried all the time. Try not to be distracted by other issues early on in a project. Concentrate on locating the actual issue.
You can move on to finding the best solution once you are certain that you have found it. Then proceed to the following stage, and so on. It becomes abundantly clear that a brilliant strategy is being methodical.
The nitty-gritty of UX problem solving is irrelevant. Therefore, you should try to focus less on the design and more on the ecosystem you want to establish. That will assist you in collecting all necessary data, including analytics and user feedback.
It’s a smart idea to start with sketches and low-fidelity wireframes. I have gotten bogged down in details whenever I have attempted to start a project directly with high-fidelity wireframes.
In UX problem-solving, pens and paper should therefore be your best friends. Sketches enable you to test out various strategies and receive the necessary feedback.
Explore various methods and tools.
There is typically only one effective solution to a UX problem. However, this is rarely the case. Most of the time, we have to think about different options and figure out more than one critical interaction.
Consequently, feedback is also essential for solving UX issues. You will find the best approach with the assistance of your coworkers and customers. Try to be receptive to feedback and accept criticism. You will guarantee that you will find the best possible solution in this manner.
Close out.
A UX issue can be challenging to resolve. However, you will be on the right path if you demonstrate various approaches and identify the actual issue. Also, don’t forget to make use of the information and feedback you get. The better a UX designer you are, the more tools you have at your disposal.
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